028) Antimatter Transport

Antimatter Transport – The ability to travel to an antimatter dimension.

Literary Critique of Antimatter Transport 

 The Negative Zone is the antimatter dimension of the Marvel universe. The Negative Zone was introduced in the Fantastic Four Annual #6. Reed Richards travels to the Negative Zone and discusses the properties of the Negative Zone in this issue.

Antimatter Transport-Annual Fantastic Four #6 (1968)-6 Antimatter Transport–Annual Fantastic Four #6 (1968)-37 Antimatter Transport–Annual Fantastic Four #6 (1968)-38

Captain Mar-Vell (Marvel) could exchange places with Rick Jones in the Negative Zone using Nega-Bands (Captain Marvel V1 #17).

Antimatter Transport-Captain Marvel V1 #17-14 Antimatter Transport-Captain Marvel V1 #17-15

Qward is a world in the DC universe antimatter dimension and the center of most plot lines involving the DC antimatter dimension. Qward was introduced in Green Lantern V2 #2.

Antimatter Transport-Green Lantern-Secret of the Golden Thunderbolts V2 #2-7 Antimatter Transport-Green Lantern-Secret of the Golden Thunderbolts V2 #2-8

In both the DC and Marvel universes no explanation is given why inhabitants from a matter universe do not explode immediately upon transport to an antimatter universe.  I offer the following explanation.  When you travel from the matter to the antimatter universe, you are repolarized automatically i.e. you become antimatter.  You become matter when you return to the matter universe.


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