396) Size Reduction (self)

Size Reduction (self) – The ability to decrease body size. Size Reduction (self) is also known as Atom Size, Micromorph, Microscopic Size, Miniaturization, Shrinking, Size Decrease, Size Reduction and Subatomic Size.  Similar to (152) Dwarf Anatomy and (395) Size Reduction (object).

Literary Critique of Size Reduction (self) 

The Ant-Man (Marvel) has this power.

Size Reduction (self)–Ant-Man

The Wasp (Marvel) was a partner of Antman in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe V1 #12.


The Atom (DC) has this power.

Size reduction (self)–Atom Ray Palmer (DC)

Shrinking Violet (DC) can even shrink to subatomic size (DC Who’s Who #21).

Size Reduction (self)-Shrinking Violet-DC Who's Who #21

Shrinking Ray’s (Image) name is probably an homage to Brainiac’s Shrinking Ray (DC) in the Official Handbook of the Invincible Universe #2.

Size Reduction (self)-Shrinking Ray-Official Handbook of the Invincible Universe #2

What if there are worlds within worlds literally? Many have noticed similarities between the solar system and an atom. Is our solar system an atom in a larger world? Do atoms have life forms similar to us?

Size Reduction (self)–Microverse-Solar System vs Atom

Are we inside an atom inside a giant brain?

The Marvel universe has a Microverse (a subatomic universe with life forms) with a long and intricate history.  The Marvel Microverse is first introduced but not named in Fantastic Four V1 #16 (Marvel).

Size Reduction (self)–Microverse-Fantastic Four V1 #16 (Marvel)-13 Size Reduction (self)–Microverse-Fantastic Four V1 #16 (Marvel)-14 Size Reduction (self)–Microverse-Fantastic Four V1 #16 (Marvel)-15

The Fantastic Four then has several adventures in Sub-Atomica which is later established as a part of the larger Marvel Microverse (Fantastic Four V1 #76).

Size Reduction (self)–Microverse-Fantastic Four V1 #76 (Marvel)

The Micronauts (Marvel) are recurring Marvel characters that inhabit the microverse (Micronauts V1 #1).

Size Reduction (self)–Microverse-Micronauts V1 #1 (1979)

Below is a map of the Microverse from Micronauts V1 #24 (1980) but the map does not include Sub-Atomica.

Size Reduction (self)–Microverse Map-Micronauts V1 #24 (1980) - Page 24

The DC has a much less developed microverse than in the Marvel universe.

The Atom (DC) could have had many adventures in a microverse but only had one in The Atom V1 #32 (DC).

Size Reduction (self)–Microverse-The Atom V1 #32 (DC)

Instead the Atom had adventures with the Morlaidhans that are about six inches in the Amazon in Sword of the Atom.

Size Reduction (self)–Sword of the Atom #1-15 Size Reduction (self)–Sword of the Atom #1-16 Size Reduction (self)–Sword of the Atom #1-17

Superman (DC) is introduced to a one-shot microverse character called Roga (DC) who is from the subatomic Nortuiian realm (Action Comics V1 #479).

 Size Reduction (self)–Microverse-Roga-Action Comics V1 #479 (1978)

The Hornet (Savage Dragon) resembles the Wasp (Marvel).


Cassandra Lang (Marvel) aka Stinger and the daughter on one version of Antman (Marvel) and has the same powers more or less as dad!

Lonely Mountain – 100% Biodegradable #10 (Biomekazok)

size-reduction-self-lonely-mountain-100-biodegradable-10-biomekazok-1 size-reduction-self-lonely-mountain-100-biodegradable-10-biomekazok-2

Nanomech (Ben 10)


The Shi’ar Imperial Guard includes Scintilla (Marvel) who is a pastiche of Shrinking Violet (DC).


Tiny Harold (Marvel) proves that small is beautiful in Silver Surfer V7 #8.


Inner Space can shrink in Space Girls2000 AD #1062

Minutiae (Image) – Noble Causes #32

Make sure to read: Size Lessons in Comic Books

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