133) Disease Mimicry

Disease Mimicry – The ability to be a disease. Disease Mimicry is also known as Illness Mimicry and Virus Mimicry.

Literary Critique of Disease Mimicry 

Despotellis (DC) is sentient disease that is defeated by Leezle Pon, a Green Lantern Smallpox. Virus (Green Lantern V4 #18).

Disease Mimicry-Despotellis-Green Lantern V4 #18 (2007)

Sublime (Marvel) is a sentient bacterium (New X-Men #154).

Disease Mimicry-sentient bacterium-Sublime-New X-Men #154

Wildstorm Spotlight – Majestic #1 (2000) introduces the reader to a hyper-intelligent strain of syphilis known as the Simberleen.

Disease Mimicry-hyper-intelligent strain of syphilis-Simberleen

Metaphysique #1 (Eclipse)

Morticoccus Virus – Kamandi #10 (DC)

Stygian Virus – Countdown to Adventure V1 #7 (DC)

Ultrasonic Lifeform in Irredeemable V2 (Boom)

133) Disease Mimicry-Ultrasonic Lifeform-Irredeemable V2 (Boom)

Next 134) Disease Resistance