226) Imperceptibility (self)

Imperceptibility (self) – A person with this power cannot be perceived or if perceived then immediately forgotten.  Imperceptibility (other/self) is also known as Aura Negation, Empty Presence, Non-Aura, Non-Presence, Presence Negation, Relative Nonexistence, Undetectability and Undetected Presence.

Literary Critique of

ForgetMeNot (Marvel) is a superhero that has this power. The story of ForgetMeNot, as told in X-Men: Legacy #300 (2014), is a tragi-comedy in a medium that rarely does tragi-comedy.

Imperceptibility-Forgetmenot-X-Men-Legacy #300-1 Imperceptibility-Forgetmenot-X-Men-Legacy #300-2

Praetor Lemnos (DC) is a supervillain with this power in Legion of Super-Heroes V5 #6.

Whatizname (Ballad of Halo Jones) has this power and Alan Moore once again takes an interesting superpower and makes a very interesting story based on the superpower.

Imperceptibility–The Ballad of Halo Jones Book #2-20 Imperceptibility–The Ballad of Halo Jones Book #2-21 Imperceptibility–The Ballad of Halo Jones Book #2-22 Imperceptibility–The Ballad of Halo Jones Book #2-23

The Silence (Doctor Who) are alien villains that have this power.

Imperceptibility–The Silence-Doctor Who

In Mystic V2 #29 (Atlas), a pilot goes so fast that he leaves our reality and become imperceptible when he returns.

Imperceptibility-Mystic V2 #29-19 Imperceptibility-Mystic V2 #29-20

In Twilight Zone Season 1, Episode 11, And When the Sky Was Opened, three pilots go too far in their airplane and start disappearing one by one.

Imperceptibility-Twilight Zone Season 1, Episode 11-And When the Sky Was Opened

Next 227) Inertia Manipulation (others)

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