032) Appendages (detachable)

Appendages (detachable) – The ability to detach appendages and/or parts of your body.   Appendages (detachable) is also known as Anatomical Automatism, Anatomical Detectability, Anatomical Liberation, Anatomical Reanimation, Anatomical Removal, Body-Part Automatism, Body-Part Detectability, Body-Part Liberation, Body-Part Reanimation, Body-Part Removal, Limb Automatism, Limb Detectability, Limb Liberation, Limb Reanimation, Limb Removal, Organ Automatism, Organ Detectability, Organ Liberation, Organ Reanimation and Organ Removal.

Literary Critique of Appendages (detachable)

A silly superpower that is not horrific but slightly gross.  Arm-Fall-Off-Boy (DC) has this power and is probably the most famous character with this power.

Appendages (detachable)–Arm-Fall-Off-Boy (DC)

Captain Marvel (M. F. Enterprises) also has this power.

Appendages (detachable)–Captain Marvel (M. F. Enterprises)

The power is clearly a useless one in the case of Arm-Fall-Off-Boy and therefore not really a power but Captain Marvel’s appendages are self-propelled and this version is clearly a power.

Counterparts (Caliber Comics) is more similar to Captain Marvel than Arm-Fall-Off-Boy in Counterparts #1.

In Counterparts #2, the reader discovers that the appendages have separate identities unlike Arm-Fall-Off-Boy and Captain Marvel.

Segemented Man –Wildguard – Casting Call #1 (Image)

Madame Frankenstein #7  (Image)

Rubble (Image) – Bloodpool V1 #1

In Adventure Comics V1 #350, Colossal Boy (DC) uses psychology to defeat the formidable the Jigsaw Creature.

Appendages (detachable)-Jigsaw Creature-Adventure Comics V1 #350

Jigsaw (Dakotaverse) was blown up but the pieces of his body can still operate independently (Milestone Media Universe Card Set).

Appendages (detachable)-Jigsaw-Milestone Media Universe Card Set

Rockslide (Marvel) can detaches his stone arms in New X-Men: Hellions #1.



Next 033) Appendages (fangs/claws)

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